
  1. Verfügbar
  2. Frauen
  3. Videoanrufe
  1. +13235043020
  2. 26 Jahre
  3. 5' 5"
  4. 104 Lbs
  5. 33-26-33
  6. Nationalität Russische
  7. Haare Braunes
  8. Augen Grüne
  9. Haut White
  10. Haarentfernung Vollständige
  11. Körper Normale
  12. Brüste Normal
  13. Hintern Normal
  14. Biotyp Natural




USD $400

Acepta Tarjeta

Über mich

Sasha Dear Gentleman, I am a pretty, authentic, sophisticated, warm, sexy and hot girl. I can't wait to indulge you with all my services and to show you how much of a horny, naughty and active... Continuar leyendo
Sasha Dear Gentleman, I am a pretty, authentic, sophisticated, warm, sexy and hot girl. I can't wait to indulge you with all my services and to show you how much of a horny, naughty and active girl, I am. I am 100% sure, that we will have a great experience.


  1. Eigene Wohnung
  2. Hotels und Wohnsitze
  3. Sitzungen
Ich bin in Los Angeles California United States