
  1. Disponible
  2. Mujeres
  3. Video Llamadas
  1. +13235043020
  2. 26 Años
  3. 5' 5"
  4. 104 Lbs
  5. 33-26-33
  6. Nacionalidad Rusa
  7. Cabello Castaño
  8. Ojos Verdes
  9. Piel Blanca
  10. Depilación Full
  11. Cuerpo Normal
  12. Busto Normal
  13. Cola Normal
  14. Biotipo Natural

Horas Laborales


Tarifa por Hora

USD $400

Acepta Tarjeta

Sobre Mi ❤️

Sasha Dear Gentleman, I am a pretty, authentic, sophisticated, warm, sexy and hot girl. I can't wait to indulge you with all my services and to show you how much of a horny, naughty and active... Continuar leyendo
Sasha Dear Gentleman, I am a pretty, authentic, sophisticated, warm, sexy and hot girl. I can't wait to indulge you with all my services and to show you how much of a horny, naughty and active girl, I am. I am 100% sure, that we will have a great experience.


  1. Depto Propio
  2. Hoteles y Domicilios
  3. Encuentros
Me encuentro en Los Angeles California United States